akshaya tritiya 2018 | அட்சய திருதியை அன்று தங்கம் வாங்கணுமா? வெள்ளி வாங்கணுமா? எது நல்லது!
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsfNmNXpaco
2018 Aiswarya kolam kubera lakshmi kadaksham/Akshaya tritiya Pooja kolam/Aathukolam by Preetha SaiRam
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gn7l27aYDlQ
Special Live Show for Akshaya Tritiya 2018 with Famous Astrologer Shelvi
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qolvce2GGA0
அட்சயதிரிதியை அன்று என்னவெல்லாம் செய்யலாம்!?
அட்சய திரிதியை அன்று நாம் என்ன வாங்கலாம் ?
அன்றைய தினத்தில் லட்சுமி தேவி வசிக்கும் பொருட்களை வாங்கலாம். அது தங்கம், வெள்ளி போன்ற ஆபரணங்களாக மட்டுமே இருக்க வேண்டும் என்பதல்ல. பச்சரிசி, வெல்லம், உப்பு ஆகியவற்றையும் நாம் வாங்கலாம். ஏனென்றால் இயற்கை தோன்றும்போது, முதலில் வந்தவை இவைதான்.
என்னென்ன பொருட்களைத் தானம் தரலாம்?
ஒரே இடத்தில் செல்வம் குவிந்திருப்பதை இறைவன் விரும்புவதில்லை. இருக்கப்பட்டவர்கள் இல்லாதவர்களுக்குக் கொடுத்து இல்லாமை நீங்கப் படைக்கப்பட்ட நாள். ஒரு கையளவு நெல் பல மூட்டை அரிசியை உருவாக்க முடியும் . அதே போல நாம் கொடுக்கும் சிறு தானமும் பல மடங்காகத் திரும்ப வரும்.
வெப்பத்தைத் தணிக்கும் வகையில் உடுக்க உடை, குடை, பானகம், நீர் மோர், விசிறி போன்றவற்றை தானம் தரச் சொல்கிறது பவிஷ்ய புராணம்.
குறிப்பாகத் தண்ணீர் நிறைந்த குடம் கொடுத்தால் அழியாத செல்வம் பெறலாம்.
நோயால் அவதிப்படுபவர்களுக்கு மருத்துவ உதவியும், கிழிந்த ஆடை அணிந்தவர்களுக்கு நல்ல ஆடையையும் அளிக்கலாம்.
தயிர்சாதம் தானம் செய்தால், ஆயுள் பெருகும்.
இனிப்புப் பொருட்கள் தானம் தந்தால், திருமணத் தடை அகலும்.
அரிசி, கோதுமை முதலான உணவு தானியங்களை தானம் செய்தால், விபத்துகள்- அகால மரணம் போன்றவை சம்பவிக்காது.
அட்சய திரிதியை அன்று அன்னதானம் செய்வதால், இறைவனுக்கே அன்னமிட்ட பலன் கிட்டும்; குடும்பத்தில் வறுமை நீங்கும்.
கால்நடைகளுக்குத் தீவனம் அளித்தால் வாழ்வு வளம் பெறும்.
அட்சய திரிதியையும் பித்ருக்கள் காரியமும்...
இன்றைய நாளில் பித்ருக்கள் காரியம் மிகுந்த சிறப்பான ஒன்றாகும். தவிர, அன்று பித்ருக்களுக்கு தர்ப்பணம் செய்த பின், பசுக்களுக்கு வாழைப் பழம் கொடுப்பது சிறப்பு. அட்சய திரிதியை நாளில் இறைவனுக்குப் படைத்து உண்ணும் பிரசாதம் மிகச் சிறந்ததாகும்.
கிராமத்தில் இருந்த வியாபாரி ஒருவன், அட்சய திரிதியை அன்று கங்கையில் நீராடி, பித்ருக்களுக்கு தர்ப்பணம் செய்து, ஏழை மக்களுக்குத் தானியங்களை தானம் செய்வதை வழக்கமாக வைத்திருந்தார். இதனால் அடுத்தப் பிறவியில் ராஜ யோகம் பெற்றார். அரசனான பிறகும் அட்சய திரிதியையில் முற்பிறவியில் செய்த புண்ணிய காரியங்களைச் செய்ததால், வைகுண்டம் அடைந்தார். எனவே அமாவாசை அன்று திதி கொடுக்காதவர்கள் கூட அன்றைய தினத்தில் தர்ப்பணம் செய்யலாம்.
அட்சய திருதியை நாளில் செய்யக்கூடிய காரியங்கள்.
குழந்தைக்கு அன்னப் பிராசனம்
சங்கீதம், கல்வி, கலைகள் பயில்வது.
சீமந்தம், மாங்கல்யம் செய்ய, விவாகம், தொட்டிலில் குழந்தையை விட, கிரகப்பிரவேசம் செய்ய, காது குத்த உகந்த தினம்.
நிலங்களில் எரு இட, விதை விதைக்க, கதிர் அறுக்க, தானியத்தைக் களஞ்சியத்தில் சேர்க்க, தானியம் உபயோகிக்க, கால்நடைகள் வாங்க போன்ற விவசாயப் பணிகளில் ஈடுபடலாம்.
வாகனம் வாங்க, புதிய ஆடை அணிய, மருந்து உட்கொள்ள, பயணம் மேற்கொள்ளலாம்.
Source: Vikatan.com
'அட்சயம்' எனும் வார்த்தை... குசேலரின் குடிசை மாளிகையான கதை!
அட்சய திரிதியை வந்துவிட்டது ஒரு குண்டு மணியளவாவது தங்கம் வாங்க வேண்டும் என்று மக்கள் நகைக்கடைகளுக்கு அலைமோதுகின்றனர். காரணம் லட்சுமி தேவி குடியிருக்கும் தங்கத்தை வாங்கினால், வீட்டுக்கு லட்சுமியே வருவாள் என்பதுதான் அவர்களது நம்பிக்கை. லட்சுமி தேவி குடியிருப்பது தங்கத்தில் மட்டுமல்ல உப்பு, அரிசி (அட்சயம்) போன்ற உணவுகளிலும்தான். அட்சய பாத்திரம் போல, அள்ள அள்ளச் செல்வம் பெருக அன்றைய தினத்தில் எளியவர்களுக்கு தானம் செய்வது மிகவும் அவசியம்.தீராத நோயால் அவதிப்படுபவர்கள், உடல் நிலை மோசமானவர்களுக்கு மருந்து வாங்கித் தருவதால், உடல் ஆரோக்கியமாகும்.
புராணங்களில் அட்சய திரிதியை மகத்துவத்தை உணர்த்தும் பல கதைகள் உண்டு.
ஒரு முறை கண்ணனைக் காணவேண்டும் என அவரது சிறுவயது நண்பனான குசேலர் விரும்பினார். ஏழ்மையில் வாடிய குசேலர் ஒரு பிடி அவலை தன் கிழிந்த மேலாடையில் முடிந்துகொண்டு கண்ணனைக் காண அவலுடன் சென்றார். போகும் வழியெல்லாம் தன் ஏழ்மை நிலைக்கு நல்ல வழி காட்டும்படி கண்ணனிடம் கேட்க வேண்டும் என்று நினைத்துக்கொண்டே சென்றார். ஆனால் கண்ணனைக் கண்டதும் அவருக்கு உதவிக் கேட்க மனம் வரவில்லை. கண்ணனும் குசேலருக்கு ராஜ உபசாரம் செய்தார். பின்பு தன் நண்பன் கொண்டுவந்த அவலைச் சாப்பிட்டபடி, "அட்சயம்" என்றார். உடனே, குசேலரின் குடிசை மாளிகை ஆனது. குசேலர் "குபேர சம்பத்து" பெற்றார். குசேலருக்கு கண்ணபிரான் அருள் புரிந்த நாள் "அட்சய திரிதியை" நாளாகும்.
ராஜபோக வாழ்க்கை வாழ்ந்த பஞ்ச பாண்டவர்கள் வனவாசம் சென்றபோது முதன்முதலாக தங்கள் வயிற்றுப்பசியை உணர்ந்தனர். அப்போது பகவான் கிருஷ்ணன், அவர்கள் முன்பு தோன்றி உணவளித்தார். பின்பு அள்ள அள்ளக் குறையாது உணவளிக்கும் அட்சய பாத்திரத்தைப் பெறுவதற்கான வழியைப் பஞ்ச பாண்டவர்களுக்கும் திரௌபதிக்கும் கூறினார்.
ராமாயணத்தில் ஸ்ரீராமனுக்குச் சூரிய உபாசனை செய்யும் "ஆதித்ய ஹ்ருதய" மந்திரத்தை உபதேசித்தார் அகத்திய முனிவர். மகா பாரதத்தில், பஞ்ச பாண்டவர்கள் அந்த ஆதித்ய ஹ்ருதய மந்திரத்தை உச்சரித்து கடுந்தவம் புரிந்தனர். தவத்தைக் கண்டு ஆனந்தம் அடைந்து சூரியபகவான் அவர்கள் முன்பு தோன்றி , அட்சய பாத்திரத்தை அளித்தார். ஆனால் அட்சய பாத்திரத்தை அன்னத்தாலோ, வேறு உணவு பதார்த்தங்களாலோ நிரப்பினால், அள்ள அள்ளக் குறையாமல் அனைவருக்கும் அது உணவளிக்கும். ஒருவேளை உணவருந்தியபின் எஞ்சியதை சூர்யார்ப்பணம் செய்து, அட்சயப் பாத்திரத்தைக் கழுவிவைத்துவிட்டால், மறுநாள் சூரியோதயத்துக்கு பிறகுதான் அது மீண்டும் உணவளிக்கும். இந்த நியதிகளை விளக்கிவிட்டு மறைந்தார் சூரிய பகவான்.
நாட்டில் சுகபோக வாழ்க்கையை அனுபவித்த துரியோதனனோ பாண்டவர்களை அழிக்கும் எண்ணத்தில் மூழ்கியிருந்தான். அந்தச் சமயம் மிகவும் சக்தி வாய்ந்த, துர்வாச முனிவர் துரியோதனனின் அரண்மனைக்கு வந்தார். அவரை அவமதித்தால் சாபம் தந்துவிடுவார் என்று முன்பே அறிந்திருந்த துரியோதனன் அவருக்கு, விருந்தும் தகுந்த மரியாதையையும் அளித்தான். தன்னை கௌரவப் படுத்திய துரியோதனனிடம் "என்ன வரம் வேண்டும் ?"என்று கேட்டார். காட்டில் இருக்கும் பஞ்ச பாண்டவர்கள் கஷ்டப்படும் இந்த வேளையில் இவரை அங்கு அனுப்பி வைத்தால் இவருக்கு விருந்தளிக்கமுடியாமல் சாபத்துக்கு உள்ளாவார்கள். என்ற தீய எண்ணத்தோடு, "மகரிஷியே, எங்களுக்கு எதுவும் வேண்டாம். உங்கள் ஆசீர்வாதமே போதும். இதே போல காட்டில் இருக்கும் பஞ்ச பாண்டவர்களிடம் சென்று உணவருந்திவிட்டு அவர்களையும் வாழ்த்துங்கள்" என்றான் .
அப்படியே ஆகட்டும் என்று முனிவரும் பஞ்ச பாண்டவர்கள் இருக்கும் இடத்திற்குச் சென்று, "எனக்கு மிகுந்த பசி, நான் சென்று ஆற்றில் குளித்துவிட்டு வருகின்றேன், உணவைத் தயார் செய்யுங்கள்" என்று கூறிவிட்டு ஆற்றங்கரைக்குச் சென்றார்.ஆனால் அப்போதுதான் பாண்டவர்கள் பகல் பொழுது உணவை முடித்து விட்டிருந்தனர். திரௌபதி அட்சயப் பாத்திரத்தைக் கழுவும் முன்பு சூர்யார்ப்பண மந்திரத்தையும் சொல்லிவிட்டாள். செய்வதறியாது தங்களைக் காக்கும்படி பகவான் கிருஷ்ணனை அழைத்தனர்.கிருஷ்ணனும் அட்சய பாத்திரத்தில் ஓர் அன்னப்பருக்கையும், கீரை இலையும் ஒட்டிக்கொண்டிருந்ததைக் கண்டார். அந்த அன்னப்பருக்கையை எடுத்து நாக்கில் வைத்து விழுங்கினார். 'அட்சயம்’ என்றும் கூறினார்.
என்ன ஆச்சர்யம், நதியில் நீராடிக் கொண்டிருந்த துர்வாசருக்கும், அவரின் சீடர்களுக்கும் பத்து நாள் உணவை ஒரே நாளில் சாப்பிட்டது போல் வயிறு கனத்தது. பஞ்ச பாண்டவர்களிடம் சென்று, "இப்போது என் வயிறு கனக்கிறது. என் சீடர்களும் அப்படியே உணர்ந்து கூறினார்கள். எங்களை மன்னித்துவிடு. உனக்குச் சர்வ மங்கலமும் உண்டாகட்டும்'' என்று வாழ்த்தி, தமது சீடர்களுடன் சென்றார்.
அட்சயம் என்னும் இந்த ஒரு வார்த்தைக்கு எத்தனை மகிமை என்று பார்த்தீர்களா ..?
ஆக அட்சய திரிதியை அன்று, தானம் தருமங்கள் செய்து திருமகள் மட்டுமல்லாது திருமாலையும் சேர்த்து வணங்குவோமாக.
Source: http://www.vikatan.com/news/spirituality/87880-what-is-the-real-story-behind-akshaya-tritiya.html
Akshaya Tritiya Special 2018 | Best Devotional Mantras
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JlfhTrtq-Y
How to Perform/Celebrate Akshay Tritya pooja at home
How to celebrate akshaya tritiya at home, How to perform akshaya tritiya puja at home, How to do akshaya tritiya puja at home
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOM_qrrTIzI
What To Donate On Akshaya Tritiya
- JALA DAANAM ( DONATING WATER) - showered with loads of wealth and money.
- VASTHRA DAANAM (CLOTH DONATION) - aspire for long life as well as prosperity.
- SHAYANA DAANAM (DONATING BED) - get back happiness and fortune you
- CHANDANA DAANAM ( SANDALWOOD DONATION) - avoid accident or any mishap in your life
- NAARIKELA DAANAM (DONATING COCONUT) - Karma: Wish to save your seven generations
- PADARAKSHA (SHOE DONATION) - avoid the sufferings of hell
- KUMKUM DAANAM - helps you improve your life.
- BUTTERMILK DAANAM - to be successful in your academics
History of akshaya tritiya
It is mentioned in our Puranas that ‘treta yuga’ started from Akshaya Tritiya. ‘Nara Narayana’ also incarnated on this day. Lord Vishnu incarnated in the form of ‘Parashurama’ on this day. The doors of famous pilgrimage place ‘Badrinath’ also open for the darshan of devotees from this day after a gap of four months. The feet of ‘Sri Vighraha’ gets open for a darshan of devotees in the Famous ‘BANKE BIHARI TEMPLE’ situated in Vrindavan. Otherwise the feet of ‘Sri vighraha’ covered by clothes for the whole year. It is considered very auspicious to fast on Akshaya tritiya and to give donations on this day.
In Hinduism, Akshay Tritiya was the day when Vyasa started writing the history of the great Bharat war in the form of an epic Mahabharata. This day is symbolized by god Vishnu, the preserver-god in the Hindu Trinity. According to Hindu mythology, on this day the Treta Yuga began and the river Ganges, the most sacred river of India, descended to the earth from the heaven.
It was on this day that Goddess Annapoorna devi was born.
Kubera received his wealth and position as custodian of wealth and property with Goddess Lakshmi on this day, by praying to Lord Shiva at Shivapuram.
It is traditionally observed as the birthday of Parashurama, the sixth incarnation of god Vishnu. The Puranic scriptures speak about how he reclaimed the land from the sea.
In Mahabharata, Yudhishtira receives the Akshaya patra, which he uses to serve food for all the needy in his kingdom.
It is on this day that poor Sudama, the best friend of Krishna visits Him (Lord Krishna) to greet Him after He became the King. With nothing to offer, Sudama takes with him Poha (puffed rice) and offers it to his friend and never discusses his poverty though he intends to. On his return he finds his hut changed to a palace.
It is on this day that Dushasana, Duryodhana's brother, unveils Draupadi at the royal court where Krishna protects her providing the 'unending' veil...
In more recent history, Adi Shankara recited the Kanaka Dhara Stotr on this day for the sake of the poor couple at whose house he stopped for Bhiksha and was offered their only available gooseberry.
Goa and Kerala regions, even today, are referred to as Parushurama Kshetra. Akshaya Tritiya, the third day of the bright-half of the lunar month of Vaisakha is considered one of the most sacred days of the year.
In Odisha, on Akshay Tritiya day, farmers start ploughing their land and construction of chariots for Rath Yatra begins at Puri.
This day is generally observed by fasting and worship of Lord Vasudeva with rice grains. A dip in the river Ganges on this day is considered to be very auspicious.
The Vedic scriptures[where?] say that knowledge gained or charity done on Akshay Tritiya is very fruitful. It is considered to be a very lucky day to start new business or venture. Many people buy gold or property on this day.
Fasts are kept on this day and pujas are performed. In charity, fan, rice, salt, ghee, sugar, vegetables, tamarind, fruit, clothes, are given. The god Vishnu is worshiped. Tulsi water is sprinkled in the nearby area of the idol while performing aarti.
In Bengal, on the day of the Akshay Tritiya, "HalKhata" - a ceremony to start the new audit book is performed - with the worship of Ganesha and goddess Lakshmi. Bengalis perform many rites and rituals on this day.
This day is most auspicious day for the Jat farming community. Early morning, a male member of a Jat family goes to the field with a shovel. All the animals and birds encountered on the way to the field are omens and predictions for rains and crops. Akshay Tritiiya is an occasion for weddings, which are conducted in mass ceremonies. It is considered an unboojha muhurat.
It is believed that god Kubera, the treasurer of the gods, is the richest deity. Lakshmi Tantram says that even Kubera will pray to goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and consort of Vishnu, on Akshay Tritiya. A day-long Kubera Lakshmi Puja is performed in which an image of Lakshmi is worshiped with Sudarsana Kubera Yantra, symbolising Kubera.
On Akshay Trutiya, a king or those who have the responsibility of taking care of the subjects, should perform ‘puja’, with gratitude and devotion, of the picture of ‘Vaibhav-Lakshmi’ with Sree Vishnu as it helps to make the subjects happy and prosperous. "We are not graced by ‘Goddess Lakshmi’ as she is the divine energy (shakti) of Sree Vishnu. How can His ‘divine energy’ come here and bless us if Sree Vishnu is not invited? Therefore, before worshiping Sree Lakshmi in any of her forms, first invite Sree Vishnu and then invite Sree Lakshmi as the worshiper gets maximum benefit of Lakshmi-tattva" (principle). In Hinduism, Akshay Tritiya was the day when Vyasa started writing the history of the great Bharat war in the form of an epic Mahabharata. This day is symbolized by god Vishnu, the preserver-god in the Hindu Trinity. According to Hindu mythology, on this day the Treta Yuga began and the river Ganges, the most sacred river of India, descended to the earth from the heaven.
It was on this day that Goddess Annapoorna devi was born.
Kubera received his wealth and position as custodian of wealth and property with Goddess Lakshmi on this day, by praying to Lord Shiva at Shivapuram.
It is traditionally observed as the birthday of Parashurama, the sixth incarnation of god Vishnu. The Puranic scriptures speak about how he reclaimed the land from the sea.
In Mahabharata, Yudhishtira receives the Akshaya patra, which he uses to serve food for all the needy in his kingdom.
It is on this day that poor Sudama, the best friend of Krishna visits Him (Lord Krishna) to greet Him after He became the King. With nothing to offer, Sudama takes with him Poha (puffed rice) and offers it to his friend and never discusses his poverty though he intends to. On his return he finds his hut changed to a palace.
It is on this day that Dushasana, Duryodhana's brother, unveils Draupadi at the royal court where Krishna protects her providing the 'unending' veil...
In more recent history, Adi Shankara recited the Kanaka Dhara Stotr on this day for the sake of the poor couple at whose house he stopped for Bhiksha and was offered their only available gooseberry.
Goa and Kerala regions, even today, are referred to as Parushurama Kshetra. Akshaya Tritiya, the third day of the bright-half of the lunar month of Vaisakha is considered one of the most sacred days of the year.
In Odisha, on Akshay Tritiya day, farmers start ploughing their land and construction of chariots for Rath Yatra begins at Puri.
This day is generally observed by fasting and worship of Lord Vasudeva with rice grains. A dip in the river Ganges on this day is considered to be very auspicious.
The Vedic scriptures[where?] say that knowledge gained or charity done on Akshay Tritiya is very fruitful. It is considered to be a very lucky day to start new business or venture. Many people buy gold or property on this day.
Fasts are kept on this day and pujas are performed. In charity, fan, rice, salt, ghee, sugar, vegetables, tamarind, fruit, clothes, are given. The god Vishnu is worshiped. Tulsi water is sprinkled in the nearby area of the idol while performing aarti.
In Bengal, on the day of the Akshay Tritiya, "HalKhata" - a ceremony to start the new audit book is performed - with the worship of Ganesha and goddess Lakshmi. Bengalis perform many rites and rituals on this day.
This day is most auspicious day for the Jat farming community. Early morning, a male member of a Jat family goes to the field with a shovel. All the animals and birds encountered on the way to the field are omens and predictions for rains and crops. Akshay Tritiiya is an occasion for weddings, which are conducted in mass ceremonies. It is considered an unboojha muhurat.
It is believed that god Kubera, the treasurer of the gods, is the richest deity. Lakshmi Tantram says that even Kubera will pray to goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and consort of Vishnu, on Akshay Tritiya. A day-long Kubera Lakshmi Puja is performed in which an image of Lakshmi is worshiped with Sudarsana Kubera Yantra, symbolising Kubera.
On Akshay Trutiya, a king or those who have the responsibility of taking care of the subjects, should perform ‘puja’, with gratitude and devotion, of the picture of ‘Vaibhav-Lakshmi’ with Sree Vishnu as it helps to make the subjects happy and prosperous. "We are not graced by ‘Goddess Lakshmi’ as she is the divine energy (shakti) of Sree Vishnu. How can His ‘divine energy’ come here and bless us if Sree Vishnu is not invited? Therefore, before worshiping Sree Lakshmi in any of her forms, first invite Sree Vishnu and then invite Sree Lakshmi as the worshiper gets maximum benefit of Lakshmi-tattva" (principle).
If one is unable to find auspicious time for the marriage throughout the year he can fix the day of marriage on this day without asking any astrologer. In other words if a person is not getting any auspicious time for marriage on account of planetary position in his horoscope he can fix this day for performing marriage ceremony. Performing marriage ceremonies on this day gives longevity to matrimonial life. This is the reason due to which thousands of marriages takes place on this day in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhatisgarh, Orrisa and Bengal.
Akshaya Tritiya as an auspicious day
This day is called as ‘sarva siddhi Muhurat’ means a very auspicious time in Hindu philosophy and culture. As per Hindu culture one can perform any auspicious ceremony like marriage, house warming ceremony etc on this day. It is also believed that if one purchases gold or other precious items, land and property or vehicle it will be very benefic. This day is also very auspicious for starting any new organization or wearing new clothes. Thus any auspicious activity started on this day has a long lasting effect.
It is believed that if the wishes are not being fulfilled even after proper astrological remedies and those who are having constant losses in their business if they start any new activity on this day it will give auspicious results.
It there is lack of money even after proper earning, lack of peace in family, problems related to children, problems due to enemies one should fast on ‘Akshaya Tritiya’ and make donations as per their capacities. This will give very good results.
Source: http://www.indianastrology.com/festival/2018/akshaya-tritiya-28
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why do we celebrate akshaya tritiya
akshay tritiya fasting
How to Celebrate Akshaya Tritiya on 2018?
Akshaya Tritiya 2018
When is Akshaya Tritiya 2018 Date and Time?
In Hinduism, Akshay Tritiya was the day when Vyasa started writing the history of the great Bharat war in the form of an epic Mahabharata. This day is symbolized by god Vishnu, the preserver-god in the Hindu Trinity. According to Hindu mythology, on this day the Treta Yuga began and the river Ganges, the most sacred river of India, descended to the earth from the heaven.
It was on this day that Goddess Annapoorna devi was born.
Kubera received his wealth and position as custodian of wealth and property with Goddess Lakshmi on this day, by praying to Lord Shiva at Shivapuram.
It is traditionally observed as the birthday of Parashurama, the sixth incarnation of god Vishnu. The Puranic scriptures speak about how he reclaimed the land from the sea.
In Mahabharata, Yudhishtira receives the Akshaya patra, which he uses to serve food for all the needy in his kingdom.
It is on this day that poor Sudama, the best friend of Krishna visits Him (Lord Krishna) to greet Him after He became the King. With nothing to offer, Sudama takes with him Poha (puffed rice) and offers it to his friend and never discusses his poverty though he intends to. On his return he finds his hut changed to a palace.
It is on this day that Dushasana, Duryodhana's brother, unveils Draupadi at the royal court where Krishna protects her providing the 'unending' veil...
In more recent history, Adi Shankara recited the Kanaka Dhara Stotr on this day for the sake of the poor couple at whose house he stopped for Bhiksha and was offered their only available gooseberry.
Goa and Kerala regions, even today, are referred to as Parushurama Kshetra. Akshaya Tritiya, the third day of the bright-half of the lunar month of Vaisakha is considered one of the most sacred days of the year.
In Odisha, on Akshay Tritiya day, farmers start ploughing their land and construction of chariots for Rath Yatra begins at Puri.
This day is generally observed by fasting and worship of Lord Vasudeva with rice grains. A dip in the river Ganges on this day is considered to be very auspicious.
The Vedic scriptures[where?] say that knowledge gained or charity done on Akshay Tritiya is very fruitful. It is considered to be a very lucky day to start new business or venture. Many people buy gold or property on this day.
Fasts are kept on this day and pujas are performed. In charity, fan, rice, salt, ghee, sugar, vegetables, tamarind, fruit, clothes, are given. The god Vishnu is worshiped. Tulsi water is sprinkled in the nearby area of the idol while performing aarti.
In Bengal, on the day of the Akshay Tritiya, "HalKhata" - a ceremony to start the new audit book is performed - with the worship of Ganesha and goddess Lakshmi. Bengalis perform many rites and rituals on this day.
This day is most auspicious day for the Jat farming community. Early morning, a male member of a Jat family goes to the field with a shovel. All the animals and birds encountered on the way to the field are omens and predictions for rains and crops. Akshay Tritiiya is an occasion for weddings, which are conducted in mass ceremonies. It is considered an unboojha muhurat.
It is believed that god Kubera, the treasurer of the gods, is the richest deity. Lakshmi Tantram says that even Kubera will pray to goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and consort of Vishnu, on Akshay Tritiya. A day-long Kubera Lakshmi Puja is performed in which an image of Lakshmi is worshiped with Sudarsana Kubera Yantra, symbolising Kubera.
On Akshay Trutiya, a king or those who have the responsibility of taking care of the subjects, should perform ‘puja’, with gratitude and devotion, of the picture of ‘Vaibhav-Lakshmi’ with Sree Vishnu as it helps to make the subjects happy and prosperous. "We are not graced by ‘Goddess Lakshmi’ as she is the divine energy (shakti) of Sree Vishnu. How can His ‘divine energy’ come here and bless us if Sree Vishnu is not invited? Therefore, before worshiping Sree Lakshmi in any of her forms, first invite Sree Vishnu and then invite Sree Lakshmi as the worshiper gets maximum benefit of Lakshmi-tattva" (principle). In Hinduism, Akshay Tritiya was the day when Vyasa started writing the history of the great Bharat war in the form of an epic Mahabharata. This day is symbolized by god Vishnu, the preserver-god in the Hindu Trinity. According to Hindu mythology, on this day the Treta Yuga began and the river Ganges, the most sacred river of India, descended to the earth from the heaven.
It was on this day that Goddess Annapoorna devi was born.
Kubera received his wealth and position as custodian of wealth and property with Goddess Lakshmi on this day, by praying to Lord Shiva at Shivapuram.
It is traditionally observed as the birthday of Parashurama, the sixth incarnation of god Vishnu. The Puranic scriptures speak about how he reclaimed the land from the sea.
In Mahabharata, Yudhishtira receives the Akshaya patra, which he uses to serve food for all the needy in his kingdom.
It is on this day that poor Sudama, the best friend of Krishna visits Him (Lord Krishna) to greet Him after He became the King. With nothing to offer, Sudama takes with him Poha (puffed rice) and offers it to his friend and never discusses his poverty though he intends to. On his return he finds his hut changed to a palace.
It is on this day that Dushasana, Duryodhana's brother, unveils Draupadi at the royal court where Krishna protects her providing the 'unending' veil...
In more recent history, Adi Shankara recited the Kanaka Dhara Stotr on this day for the sake of the poor couple at whose house he stopped for Bhiksha and was offered their only available gooseberry.
Goa and Kerala regions, even today, are referred to as Parushurama Kshetra. Akshaya Tritiya, the third day of the bright-half of the lunar month of Vaisakha is considered one of the most sacred days of the year.
In Odisha, on Akshay Tritiya day, farmers start ploughing their land and construction of chariots for Rath Yatra begins at Puri.
This day is generally observed by fasting and worship of Lord Vasudeva with rice grains. A dip in the river Ganges on this day is considered to be very auspicious.
The Vedic scriptures[where?] say that knowledge gained or charity done on Akshay Tritiya is very fruitful. It is considered to be a very lucky day to start new business or venture. Many people buy gold or property on this day.
Fasts are kept on this day and pujas are performed. In charity, fan, rice, salt, ghee, sugar, vegetables, tamarind, fruit, clothes, are given. The god Vishnu is worshiped. Tulsi water is sprinkled in the nearby area of the idol while performing aarti.
In Bengal, on the day of the Akshay Tritiya, "HalKhata" - a ceremony to start the new audit book is performed - with the worship of Ganesha and goddess Lakshmi. Bengalis perform many rites and rituals on this day.
This day is most auspicious day for the Jat farming community. Early morning, a male member of a Jat family goes to the field with a shovel. All the animals and birds encountered on the way to the field are omens and predictions for rains and crops. Akshay Tritiiya is an occasion for weddings, which are conducted in mass ceremonies. It is considered an unboojha muhurat.
It is believed that god Kubera, the treasurer of the gods, is the richest deity. Lakshmi Tantram says that even Kubera will pray to goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and consort of Vishnu, on Akshay Tritiya. A day-long Kubera Lakshmi Puja is performed in which an image of Lakshmi is worshiped with Sudarsana Kubera Yantra, symbolising Kubera.
On Akshay Trutiya, a king or those who have the responsibility of taking care of the subjects, should perform ‘puja’, with gratitude and devotion, of the picture of ‘Vaibhav-Lakshmi’ with Sree Vishnu as it helps to make the subjects happy and prosperous. "We are not graced by ‘Goddess Lakshmi’ as she is the divine energy (shakti) of Sree Vishnu. How can His ‘divine energy’ come here and bless us if Sree Vishnu is not invited? Therefore, before worshiping Sree Lakshmi in any of her forms, first invite Sree Vishnu and then invite Sree Lakshmi as the worshiper gets maximum benefit of Lakshmi-tattva" (principle).
If one is unable to find auspicious time for the marriage throughout the year he can fix the day of marriage on this day without asking any astrologer. In other words if a person is not getting any auspicious time for marriage on account of planetary position in his horoscope he can fix this day for performing marriage ceremony. Performing marriage ceremonies on this day gives longevity to matrimonial life. This is the reason due to which thousands of marriages takes place on this day in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhatisgarh, Orrisa and Bengal.
Akshaya Tritiya as an auspicious day
This day is called as ‘sarva siddhi Muhurat’ means a very auspicious time in Hindu philosophy and culture. As per Hindu culture one can perform any auspicious ceremony like marriage, house warming ceremony etc on this day. It is also believed that if one purchases gold or other precious items, land and property or vehicle it will be very benefic. This day is also very auspicious for starting any new organization or wearing new clothes. Thus any auspicious activity started on this day has a long lasting effect.
It is believed that if the wishes are not being fulfilled even after proper astrological remedies and those who are having constant losses in their business if they start any new activity on this day it will give auspicious results.
It there is lack of money even after proper earning, lack of peace in family, problems related to children, problems due to enemies one should fast on ‘Akshaya Tritiya’ and make donations as per their capacities. This will give very good results.
Source: http://www.indianastrology.com/festival/2018/akshaya-tritiya-28
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why do we celebrate akshaya tritiya
akshay tritiya fasting
How to Celebrate Akshaya Tritiya on 2018?
Akshaya Tritiya 2018
When is Akshaya Tritiya 2018 Date and Time?
Why Do We Celebrate Akshaya Tritiya
Akshaya Tritiya Significance
Akshaya tritiya is also called as ‘akhateej’. The word Akshaya means the immortal. Akshaya Tritiya is celebrated on the third tithi of brighter half in the lunar month Vaishakha. In Indian mythology Akshaya Tritiya has great importance. It is believed that the donations and auspicious ceremonies performed on this day have long lasting effects. This day is considered very auspicious for starting new projects auspicious for performing marriage ceremonies and for purchasing precious things.
In Hindu mythology this day is considered as a mark of success and well-being. This day is also called the day of sarva siddhi day. This day can be chosen to perform auspicious ceremonies by anybody without consulting any astrologer. It is also believed that if we pray to god with devotion and dedication on this day the sins done by us even the sins committed by our ancestors are forgiven by god. The native who worship god on this day with devotion and dedication is blessed with satva gun i.e truthfulness and righteousness.
As per Hindu electional astrology (Muhurta) three lunar days (tithis) are auspicious. These are called Sade-Teen Muhurtas also. These Tithis are first Tithi of Bright Half of Chaitra (starting of new year), tenth Tithi of Bright Half of Ashvina (Vijay Dashmi), third Tithi of Bright Half of Vaishakha (Akshay Tritiya- Parshu Jyanti) and first Tithi of Bright Half of Karttika are called “Sade-Teen (3 ½) Muhurt”. The first three tithis are counted as full and the last one as half Tithi and constitute Sade - Teen Muhurt. Sun and moon are astrologically believed to be at their most exalted equal brightness on this day.
Akshaya Tritiya is also called Navanna Parvam. Akshaya Tritiya falling on a Rohini star Monday is considered more auspicio
Source: http://www.indianastrology.com/festival/2018/akshaya-tritiya-28
Other Related Sources:
history of akshaya tritiya
akshay tritiya fasting
How to Celebrate Akshaya Tritiya on 2018?
Akshaya Tritiya 2018
When is Akshaya Tritiya 2018 Date and Time?
Akshaya tritiya is also called as ‘akhateej’. The word Akshaya means the immortal. Akshaya Tritiya is celebrated on the third tithi of brighter half in the lunar month Vaishakha. In Indian mythology Akshaya Tritiya has great importance. It is believed that the donations and auspicious ceremonies performed on this day have long lasting effects. This day is considered very auspicious for starting new projects auspicious for performing marriage ceremonies and for purchasing precious things.
In Hindu mythology this day is considered as a mark of success and well-being. This day is also called the day of sarva siddhi day. This day can be chosen to perform auspicious ceremonies by anybody without consulting any astrologer. It is also believed that if we pray to god with devotion and dedication on this day the sins done by us even the sins committed by our ancestors are forgiven by god. The native who worship god on this day with devotion and dedication is blessed with satva gun i.e truthfulness and righteousness.
As per Hindu electional astrology (Muhurta) three lunar days (tithis) are auspicious. These are called Sade-Teen Muhurtas also. These Tithis are first Tithi of Bright Half of Chaitra (starting of new year), tenth Tithi of Bright Half of Ashvina (Vijay Dashmi), third Tithi of Bright Half of Vaishakha (Akshay Tritiya- Parshu Jyanti) and first Tithi of Bright Half of Karttika are called “Sade-Teen (3 ½) Muhurt”. The first three tithis are counted as full and the last one as half Tithi and constitute Sade - Teen Muhurt. Sun and moon are astrologically believed to be at their most exalted equal brightness on this day.
Akshaya Tritiya is also called Navanna Parvam. Akshaya Tritiya falling on a Rohini star Monday is considered more auspicio
Source: http://www.indianastrology.com/festival/2018/akshaya-tritiya-28
Other Related Sources:
history of akshaya tritiya
akshay tritiya fasting
How to Celebrate Akshaya Tritiya on 2018?
Akshaya Tritiya 2018
When is Akshaya Tritiya 2018 Date and Time?
Akshay Tritiya Fasting | akshay tritiya vrat vidhi
Akshay Tritiya Vrat (Fast)
It is considered most auspicious day for appeasing the spirits of ancestors and for getting unlimited glory. It is considered most auspicious day because whatever auspicious activities and charities are performed on this day do not go in vain. This is the reason why all auspicious deeds like new business, buying new land, house, inauguration of an institute, marriage or Homa etc. are performed and started on this day. It is a matchless fast of Goddess which has the power to eradicate all sins and by observing it everything can be achieved easily.
Method of Observing Akshay Tritiya Vrat
This fast is observed on the Tritiya of bright half of Vaishakh. One should worship Lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi on this day. In the morning after having bath one should start worshipping God by offering leaves of basil (tulsi plant) with sugarcandy. Donate the favourite articles with oblation among the devotees. Donate barley on this day which is considered the king of grains. After that read Akshay Tritiya Vrata Katha. Chant following mantra 108 times on a Tulsi rosary.
”Om Hreem Hreem Shreem Shreem Laxminarayanabhayam Namah”
om jay shri radha jay shri krishna
shri radha krishnay namah
ghum ghumaro ghamar sohe jay shri radha
pat pitambar muni man mohe jay shri krishn
jugal prem ras jham-jham jhamkai
shri radha krishnay namah
radha radha krishn kanhaiya jay shri radha
bhav bhav sagar par lagaiya jay shri krishn
mangal murit moksh karaiya
shri radha krishnay namah
Source: http://www.indianastrology.com/festival/2018/akshaya-tritiya-28
Other Related Sources:
history of akshaya tritiya
How to Celebrate Akshaya Tritiya on 2018?
Akshaya Tritiya 2018
When is Akshaya Tritiya 2018 Date and Time?
why do we celebrate akshaya tritiya
It is considered most auspicious day for appeasing the spirits of ancestors and for getting unlimited glory. It is considered most auspicious day because whatever auspicious activities and charities are performed on this day do not go in vain. This is the reason why all auspicious deeds like new business, buying new land, house, inauguration of an institute, marriage or Homa etc. are performed and started on this day. It is a matchless fast of Goddess which has the power to eradicate all sins and by observing it everything can be achieved easily.
Method of Observing Akshay Tritiya Vrat
This fast is observed on the Tritiya of bright half of Vaishakh. One should worship Lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi on this day. In the morning after having bath one should start worshipping God by offering leaves of basil (tulsi plant) with sugarcandy. Donate the favourite articles with oblation among the devotees. Donate barley on this day which is considered the king of grains. After that read Akshay Tritiya Vrata Katha. Chant following mantra 108 times on a Tulsi rosary.
”Om Hreem Hreem Shreem Shreem Laxminarayanabhayam Namah”
om jay shri radha jay shri krishna
shri radha krishnay namah
ghum ghumaro ghamar sohe jay shri radha
pat pitambar muni man mohe jay shri krishn
jugal prem ras jham-jham jhamkai
shri radha krishnay namah
radha radha krishn kanhaiya jay shri radha
bhav bhav sagar par lagaiya jay shri krishn
mangal murit moksh karaiya
shri radha krishnay namah
Source: http://www.indianastrology.com/festival/2018/akshaya-tritiya-28
Other Related Sources:
history of akshaya tritiya
How to Celebrate Akshaya Tritiya on 2018?
Akshaya Tritiya 2018
When is Akshaya Tritiya 2018 Date and Time?
why do we celebrate akshaya tritiya
How to Celebrate Akshaya Tritiya on 2018?
How to Celebrate Akshaya Tritiya at Home?
The donations, pilgrimages, japas and homas performed on this day give multifold results than the japa and homas done on any other ordinary day. That is why it is called as Akhsaya Tritiya.
If somebody’s daughter is not getting married even after proper efforts than performing ‘ghat dan’ and reciting ‘sri sukta strotam’ or’ Parvati mangal strotam’ can give early marriage and removes obstacles. Worldly activities can be initiated during currency of this Tithi, however, aspirants must ensure that duration is not sullied by concurrence of malefic times observed according to the Hindu electional principles, and the moments are favourable to the doer by transits of the planets and the like. Aspirants are cautioned against using this Tithi blindly for initiating and conducting all types of life activities. Auspiciousness of the Tithis for specific activity depends upon simultaneous presence of Panchangam Shuddhi, Muhurt Yogas and host of other elements of Hindu electional astrology.
Starting a new activity or buying valuables on Akshaya Tritiya is considered to bring luck and success. The religious merit that is acquired by giving gifts on this day is considered inexhaustible. Many buy new gold jewelry on Akshaya Tritiya.
Most jewelry stores stock in new models for this occasion with "Lakshmi-inscribed" gold coins, diamond jewelry and golden dollars with the pictures of many gods and goddesses. There are vigorous campaign conducted by banks, jewelry shops and financial institutions, thus Akshay Tritiya has gained prominence. Although modern retailers are exploiting the materialistic urge in people, there is today a very high awareness regarding Akshaya Tritiya or Akha Teej.
On Akshaya Tritiya, Big Yatra at Shirwal (Khandal, Satara) start one day from Shivjayanti.
Source: http://www.indianastrology.com/festival/2018/akshaya-tritiya-28
Akshaya Tritiya 2018
Akshaya Tritiya which is also known as Akha Teej is highly auspicious and holy day for Hindu communities. It falls during Shukla Paksha Tritiya in the month of Vaishakha. Akshaya Tritiya falling on a Rohini Nakshatra day with Wednesday is considered very auspicious. The word Akshaya (अक्षय) means never diminishing. Hence the benefits of doing any Japa, Yajna, Pitra-Tarpan, Dan-Punya on this day never diminish and remain with the person forever.
Akshaya Tritiya is believed to bring good luck and success. Most people purchase Gold on this day as it is believed that buying Gold on Akshaya Tritiya brings prosperity and more wealth in coming future. Being Akshaya day it is believed that Gold, bought on this day, will never diminish and would continue to grow or appreciate.
Akshaya Tritiya day is ruled by God Vishnu who is the preserver God in the Hindu Trinity. According to Hindu mythology Treta Yuga began on Akshaya Tritiya day. Usually Akshaya Tritiya and Parashurama Jayanti, birthday anniversary of 6th incarnation of Lord Vishnu, falls on the same day but depending on staring time of Tritiya Tithi Parashurama Jayanti might fall one day before Akshaya Tritiya day.
Vedic astrologers also consider Askshay Tritiya an auspicious day free from all malefic effects. As per Hindu Electional Astrology three lunar days, Yugadi, Akshaya Tritiya and Vijay Dashami don't need any Muhurta to start or perform any auspicious work as these three days are free from all malefic effects.
Source: https://www.drikpanchang.com/festivals/akshaya-tritiya/akshaya-tritiya-date-time.html
When is Akshaya Tritiya 2018 Date and Time?
Akshaya Tritiya 2018 Date
Akshaya Tritiya or Akha Teej is a very auspicious day for the Hindus and Jains. With the help of Akshaya Tritiya dates for 2018, 2018 & 2019, you can know in advance the auspicious day for starting any new venture. Also, these dates for when is Akshaya Tritiya in 2018, 2018 & 2019 will let you know the best day to purchase gold.
Akshaya Tritiya Date In 2018
akshaya tritiya 2018 date and day
When is Akshaya Tritiya in 2018? April 18 (Wednesday)
Akshaya Tritiya Date In 2019
When is Akshaya Tritiya in 2019? May 7
Success in every endeavor is assured with Akshaya Tritiya. Therefore, ensure success and prosperity in every task with the aid of Akshaya Tritiya dates for 2018, 2018 & 2019. We are sure that these dates for Akshaya Tritiya in 2018, 2018 & 2019, will help you in fetching maximum from your luck and activities initiated.
akshaya tritiya 2018 date and time
Akshaya Tritiya Puja Muhurat = 05:56 to 12:20
Duration = 6 Hours 23 Mins
Auspicious time to buy Gold
akshaya tritiya 2018 timing
Tritiya Tithi Begins = 03:45 on 18/Apr/2018
Tritiya Tithi Ends = 01:29 on 19/Apr/2018
What is Akshaya Tritiya 2018?
What is Akshaya Tritiya 2018 Date, Day and Time?
Akshaya Tritiya, also known as Akti or Akha Teej, is annual spring time festival of the Hindus and Jains. It falls on the third Tithi (lunar day) of Bright Half (Shukla Paksha) of Vaisakha month. It is observed regionally by Hindus and Jains in India and Nepal,as signifying the "third day of unending prosperity".The festival date varies and is set according to the lunisolar Hindu calendar, and falls in April or May of every year in the Gregorian calendar.Akshaya Tritiya
Observed by Hindus and Jains
Type Hindu, Jain
Celebrations 1 day
Observances prayers, distribution of sugarcane juice and festive foods
Begins Vaisakha
Date late April-early May
2017 date 28 April[1] [2]
2018 date Wed 18 April
Frequency annual
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akshaya_Tritiya
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